Our Pirates

Although by now you have probably met or heard of our pirate characters, you probably don’t know them all. This post includes all of our pirate characters and some useful descriptions.

Cap’n Ishmael – Cap’n is a loving, trustworthy leader who is naturally great at his job. The whole crew loves him, British accent and all.

Linda – 90-year-old Linda is the ship’s cook. As old as she is, the crew thinks she’ll hold on for another 50 years. Her food is either loved or hated, but never simply liked. The only few member aside from herself that she ever feeds real food is Emily.

Emily – being 4 years old, Emily of the Von Rysen clan is quite feeble. Although not too shipworthy, she loves swimming and dolphins, so is a good fit for the happy-go-lucky crew. She loves Linda and sticks close whenever she can. Only eats bread.

George – Deep-voiced George is the classic unwilling crew member. Although he follows orders, George really only loves playing games and eating quality food(which only sometimes includes Linda’s odd grub).

Mikey – Watchman Mikey is a great scout and loves it. With his charming manner and odd high-pitched laugh, Mikey is loved by all. His talents are reading maps and scouting turns, and with his navigation skills the crew can get anywhere.

Davey – He is just a normal crewmate. Cap’n can never remember his name and often calls him David.

Carl – Another normal shipmate. Often plays poker for seaweed with Davey.

Invisible Johnny – Although nobody ever sees him, sometimes his opinions are expressed by a whisper in the wind. There are rumors that he once did exist, but only Cap’n remembers.

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash